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plate clamp中文是什么意思

用"plate clamp"造句"plate clamp"怎么读"plate clamp" in a sentence


  • (吊钢板用的)钢板夹钳
  • 板钳
  • 钢板夹持器
  • 直压板夹具


  • Symplectic solutions of annular sector plate clamped along two circular edges with circumfluent coordinate treated as
  • Finally , the technic route for the research of milling distortion is proposed . in chapter 4 , the effect of tool path and clamping schemes on residual stresses as well as machining distortion are analyzed by using three - dimensional elastic - plastic fem ( finite element method ) . the distortion variation tendency under four typical tool paths , the pressing - plate clamping and stretched fixation is obtained respectively
用"plate clamp"造句  
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